Picture of the River Thames

Community Matters Media has been running independent newspapers since 1987, and now boasts the weeklies: South London Weekly, Southwark News and Greenwich & Lewisham Weekender, as well as the lifestyle magazines The South Londoner and Bermondsey Biscuit & Rotherhithe Docker. In addition to our unrivalled coverage across south London, we are proud to have the only independent, paid-for newspaper in London in the Southwark News.

Our digital presence continues to grow – you can view all of our content on our sites: southwarknews.co.uk and southlondon.co.uk or read the digital publications themselves. You can also sign up to newsletters to stay informed about news, lifestyle & events, people, sport and history, whilst we have strong followings across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.

We are proud to be a London Living Wage employer.

Among our many campaigns in the community, we have:

  • Spearheaded a campaign to get a new school built in Bermondsey.
  • Worked with Southwark and Lambeth councils on a campaign to create 100 apprentices in 100 days, and then created 100 apprentice opportunities in as many companies.
  • Co-launched the Blue Plaques scheme, voted on by local people, which has seen dozens of historically important people and buildings recognised.
  • Raised over £100,000 for Evelina Children’s Hospital, with our own team taking part in ultra-marathons, a swim across the Channel, the Three Peaks Challenge, putting on a Full Monty show and auctioning portraits from a talented artist in our company.
  • Given away over £10,000 of free digital advertising to independent local businesses during the pandemic.
  • Given away free advertising to Brixton businesses after the 2011 riots, and to Herne Hill businesses after the area was closed due to severe flooding.
  • Led the fight to keep Rotherhithe as a suburban haven.

We believe in community and in balanced, independent and responsible journalism. As a south London business, we also work to support fellow local businesses.

A dedicated team of staff work tirelessly to cover as much of what is going on as possible and strive to ensure that community-led, independent newspapers can survive and excel in a market dominated by national and multinational media groups.

You can contact us here


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