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Joby Fox is a Belfast musician who resides in Denmark but will be giving a concert organised by Brian O’Neill in Peckham this week.

Joby’s latest record, ‘I Once Was A Hawk Now I’m A Dove’, has taken a full decade to appear, but Fox has been more than busy in the meantime. Taking a break from gigging in 2015, he was in Lesbos and witnessed the increasingly hazardous plight of refugees when a vessel capsized that resulted in dozens of unnecessary deaths. Deciding that more had to be done to help, he co-founded the organisation Refugee Rescue, receiving a boat donated by artist Jake Chapman and operated by a voluntary professional crew that has saved almost 20,000 lives in the Mediterranean.

In 2016 he also became involved with the Orchestre des Réfugiés et Amis as its musical director. Providing opportunities for musicians with Refugee or Asylum status in Northern Ireland to collaborate, it created a true global fusion and facilitated workshops and awareness sessions in schools and youth clubs that have challenged pre-conceived perceptions of refugees and migrants.

Ticket link below. £10 but we take donations of £3 from centre users and church goers. The principle is to give local people somewhere affordable to enjoy a musical and peaceful Sunday afternoon.

19th Nov, 2:30pm Copleston Church, Peckham


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