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I popped over the water to catch local artist Rod Kitson doing his portrait-painting thing over Brick Lane at The Other Art Fair, in the old Truman Brewery, where he had been given space for him, his easel and a place for someone to sit for two hours while he created their image, writes Michael Holland.

With something like 150 artists set up to talk about and sell their work, Rod was the only one actually creating art and had, over the three days of the show, painted around 20 portraits.

I spoke to him last week and he revealed some anxiety about having to paint in such a busy and noisy atmosphere, having become accustomed to working quietly with only himself and his sitter. ‘I’m hoping I can concentrate and complete the works in the time I allot myself for each one – two hours! I know people will be trying to talk to me and ask questions, and I’m worried about if I can work under those conditions.’

Catching up with him on the third and final day of the art fair, I asked if he was able to stick to his format of completing a portrait in two hours in these surroundings.

‘Yes,’ he said while applying a thick wodge of paint to his one-square-foot board. ‘In fact, I’m loving it! I didn’t realise what a show-off I am,’ he said with a beaming smile.

I suggested he set his easel up in a local park when the weather allows, so we could be seeing an alfresco Rod Kitson with a queue of sitters somewhere near you in the not too distant future.

Rod is based in Surrey Quays Shopping Centre and focuses on the act of making the art rather than aiming for perfect outcomes. Although, all his work looks perfect to me.

Check out Rod’s website and book a visit to have your portrait painted for free – with an option to buy:


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