Top Marks For Nul Points!

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For many across the country, there is no better time of year than the Eurovision season, writes Christopher Peacock…

From listening to all the hopefuls wanting to represent their nations all the way through the semi-finals to the grand final itself, it certainly has a cult-like following all across the continent that has even permeated to the wider world. Playwright Martin Blackburn is certainly one of those fans and his new play  Nul Points! has a run at the Union Theatre.

Nul Points! is the story of a group of drama school friends – Josh, Kat, and Daz – who come together every year for a Eurovision party that mega-fan Josh hosts. Crashed by a male stripper one year and by Josh’s mother in other years the main drama through the first act comes from the interpersonal relationships and how their individual careers seem to be progressing, or not so.

Blackburn’s writing is fast-paced and racy. Heavily laden with gags, acerbic put-downs, and extensive Eurovision trivia that Josh regales at every opportunity. Kane Verrall as Josh plays up all the camp and fervour of a man who lives for Eurovision without slipping into caricature. Marcus J Foreman as Daz has many great lines of dialogue but the character’s arc and own journey do get a little lost at times in this farce. The strongest performance goes to Charlotte East as Kat, with great presence she gives a grounded performance and carries the second act when the show searches for a more emotional response.

The second act has a tonal shift from the farce of the first. Set seven years on from the last party we saw. Tragedy has struck this group and the focus is on how they are living with themselves and coping after loss. This does naturally drag the pace of the show whilst still attempting to ply us with laughs. In the first half the best moments came from the younger cast as their energy and banter created great chemistry, unfortunately, with the introduction of Josh’s mother Gina, played by Adele Anderson, the odd stumble over lines drops the energy and misses the comic timing needed.

Nul Points! has its strengths in delving into our nation’s relationship with the competition and our rekindling of love for it after quite some years in the doldrums.

Playing out over years’ of Eurovision parties it has a nice way of anchoring the lives of the characters in an evening of communal bonding.

At odds with devout Eurovision fans hosting a party, the contest itself does fall into the background of the scenes. I’m sure there are going to be many fans hosting similar parties across the continent on May 13th, however, I think plenty of them wouldn’t dare let their guests talk over the acts taking part.

Union Theatre until 20th May.

Tuesday to Saturday at 7.30pm

Sunday at 2.00pm

Saturday 13th May at 5pm, followed by Eurovision Final Party

Admission: £25






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