The Duration Offers Hope

A great opportunity to debate how 9/11 changed the world
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The Duration is a new play by Bruce Graham commemorating the 20th anniversary of the devastating 9/11 attack. This important new production comes to the Omnibus Theatre in Clapham this September.

For the United States, the collective grief generated by 9/11 had a profound impact on the nation’s psyche. The Duration follows the story of a mother and daughter, both liberal American academics, who experienced a huge loss. It considers different responses to grief, in particular how this mother is radically changed by her bereavement – she buys a gun and heads for the hills.

Bruce Graham surveys the impact of 9/11 on families alongside the premise that America may not have come to terms with its collective grief, resulting in unresolved anger that helped ferment extremist politics in the US. The Duration demonstrates the fall out – for individuals and a nation – when that anger festers while also offering a hopeful way forward.

“Graham’s characters are rounded and real, his treatment delicate and nuanced, funny and insightful,” says director, Jelena Budimir. “At All Ignite Theatre, we choose plays that highlight the complexity of the world we live in. The Duration will be a great opportunity to debate how 9/11 changed the world, and encourage discussion about how we can survive extreme events without letting them define us. I think the play’s message of hope will promote conversations about healing and survival.”

Omnibus Theatre, 1 Clapham Common North Side, London SW4 0QW Tuesday 7th September – Sunday 26th September 2021. Admission: £16, £13, £10.

Box Office: 020 7498 4699 or


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