Grief and hope

Grief and hope

Holly O'MahonyNov 1, 2022

Cordelia O’Neill’s brave, taboo-busting play Anything Is Possible If You Think About It Hard Enough, which ran at  last year, is showing in the…

The Grief That Never Ends

The Grief That Never Ends

Michael HollandSep 25, 2021

With just a bed in the middle of the stage the relationship between Alex and Rupert is recreated from when they met on their…

Anything Is Possible If You Think About It Hard Enough

Anything Is Possible If You Think About It Hard Enough

Michael HollandSep 10, 2021

Playwright Cordelia O’Neill was born in Peckham until, aged five, her parents moved to the countryside. ‘I moved back to London in my twenties…