Bromley residents: Don’t miss out on the £150 available to those struggling

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Bromley homes under financial pressure are being urged to apply for funds of up to £150 before applications close at the end of next month.

Residents who are especially vulnerable to the ongoing cost of living crisis are eligible for the additional funding.

Bromley Council has listed eligible households as families receiving council tax support or with children on free school meals, as well as families with children who are at school age.

Carers, care leavers and residents in temporary accommodation are also included, as well as households with low incomes, pensioners, disabilities or those experiencing domestic abuse or exceptional financial hardship

The council has received £1.9 million of government funding for residents who are most in need. The sum comes from the government’s Household Support Grant, consisting of £421m which has been made available to local authorities across the country.

Funds from the scheme will remain available while they last or until September 30.

How to apply:

Applications for individual households can be filled online, with residents having the choice of either a £150 virtual payment card or a Sainsbury’s gift card of the same value.

Individuals must be over the age of 16 and provide evidence of arrears in utility bills, council tax, rent or mortgage or evidence of other significant financial hardship.

Individuals will be responded to within 15 working days and can call the council’s helpline for assistance.

Families receiving free school meals will reportedly receive vouchers during the school holiday period, which will be distributed by the school.

Those in temporary accommodation or receiving council tax support will be contacted by the council if they are eligible for an award.

Other help available:

Bromley Council also has a series of existing schemes to provide support in the borough.

The authority’s welfare fund can be used to help individuals establish themselves in their community by funding new beds and household equipment.

Individuals can apply online after receiving a referral from their caseworker or landlord.

The council’s hardship fund is also available for those who may need extra help with council tax support.

Forms are available online with discounts being dependent on individual circumstances.

For more details here is Bromley Council’s website

Picture: The Bromley Civic Centre, located on Stockwell Close. Permission for use by all LDRS partners. Credit: Joe Coughlan


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