Celebrating sea shanties

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Sailors sang them in the spirit of unity on long voyages overseas, but sea shanties have been rising in popularity back on terra firma in recent years too. Ride that wave is Greenwich tea clipper Cutty Sark, which is hosting its second Sea Shanty Festival this weekend, writes Holly O’Mahony…

Event; Sea Shanty Festival Event

“We organised the first event last year when we realised that London was lacking a regular event celebrating this type of music,” explains Cutty Sark learning programmes manager Jo Knox. “We have always had shanty singers on board who are very popular amongst those who visit, so we thought why not invite more bands on board to explore the history and culture around traditional working songs and dedicate a whole day to the genre.”
The London Sea Shanty Collective is a confirmed headliner, promising to sing their own arrangements of traditional songs, updated to reflect modern life. Also performing are all-female group The Silver Darlings and a local primary school who will be breathing fresh life into age-old songs.
Audience participation is very welcome, too. “The London Sea Shanty Collective will be running a short workshop to prepare visitors for the traditional sing-along that ends every Sea Shanty Festival,” Jo confirms. As for those who want to make a day of it, “The ship will be open as normal with a few extra activities to enjoy and really get you into the sailor spirit, such as knot tying, sailor games and more!”
Cutty Sark, King William Walk, London SE10 9HT. November 19, 10am – 4:30pm. Admission: FREE with entry to the ship.


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