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Re-uniting the Olivier Award-nominated team behind Midsummer Mechanicals, Shakespeare’s Globe and Splendid Productions present Rough Magic at Shakespeare’s Globe this summer, running in the indoor Sam Wanamaker Playhouse from 20th July to 24th August. 

The full cast comprises Rosemarie Akwafo as Nona, Janet Etuk as Morai, Kerry Frampton as Henry IX, Mae Munuo as Cover, and Bryony Twydle as Audeja, and is once again directed by Director of Education Lucy Cuthbertson and co-written by Splendid Production’s Artistic Director Kerry Frampton and Associate Director Ben Hales. 

Lucy Cuthbertson says: “We are committed to making top-quality theatre that is for everyone, especially younger audiences meeting these stories, and often theatre, for the first time. Set in the world of Shakespeare’s supernatural, we catch up with the three witches a short time after the unfortunate ‘Macbeth incident’. Expect ghosts, spirits, fairies, monsters, and magic! Plus, a human…which is where the trouble starts.” 

Shakespeare’s Globe from 20th July to 24th August .



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