Viewing the art-K summer exhibition – Altered Perspectives, is a journey that takes you around the fifth level of Peckham Levels, where you can experience interactive installations and thematic zones, listen to students discussing their work and professionals talking about the ‘Career Tree’ that can grow from the roots of art education, writes Michael Holland.
For more than two decades, art-K has empowered young people to use and develop their artistic skills, with studios now dotted around the UK.
After introductory speeches from the people who are behind and part of the art-K initiative, we were let loose on the artwork itself, where we could get lost in a maze of shape and colour and in our own imagination.

Altered Perspectives showcases work from a network of 5500 students attending weekly classes, and from a range of ages, but, to be honest, it was difficult to decide the ages of any artist through the work on show.
You can see that the students had looked at Old Masters and the Impressionists, and were able to try out the different styles that those paintings inspired. Van Gogh seemed very popular.

But this was not just two-dimensional art, there were many three-dimensional pieces in the over 500 pieces that have taken over a complete floor of this great art hub.
Check website for full details and where to find your nearest class:
Peckham Levels, SE15 4ST until 23rd July. Tues – Sun, 10am – 9pm. Admission: Free.