Cross the Threshold To The Unknown

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For the first time, members of the public are invited to get hands-on and explore the Museum of Youth Culture’s archives.

For three days, South East London artist, Sal Pittman will rearchive the Museum of Youth Culture, inviting the public to walk through a journey of youth in Britain found in slides and objects from the archives. Mixing digital and analogue, contemporary with history, this re-imagining will invite new perspectives to documented histories. For the first time, the collections will be unlocked and doors opened for the public to physically interact with the museum’s youth culture heritage. Peering through plan chests, and opening unexpected doors, Threshold reimagines the museum archive as an exploratory work-in-progress.

Threshold is a three-day archive installation and collaboration between Sal Pittman of Klanghaus and the Museum of Youth Culture. Supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and with thanks to National Lottery Players, the exhibition is funded as part of the project ‘Object Lessons: Youth Culture Takes Shape’ exploring what it means to represent youth culture through physical objects alone.

The Museum of Youth Culture archive reflects life’s biggest moments from different decades with one theme in common – Threshold asks the question, which path will we leave the safety of our bedrooms to discover? What is the intrigue of doorways that leads us to the unknown? Do you hold back or go straight in? 

Museum of Youth Culture, 47-49 Durham Street, Vauxhall

Private View 6pm-9pm Thursday 12th October
Friday 13th October – Sunday 16th October

12-6pm Daily


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