Transgression – a play in a post-modern world coming to Kennington   

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Life in the Aftermath of the Eocene at the White Bear

It’s the 1990s and the societal revolution to smash the nuclear family is on the horizon. 

A psychoanalyst battles against the demise of established traditions, while younger women debate pregnancy and the relevance of a father’s name on a birth certificate.

It’s all an uphill campaign to rattle the patriarchy until a father and son face the unthinkable. 

When the dust settles a new birth order awaits future generations.

Transgression by Loretta Monaco, directed by Bryan Oliver, is a ferociously funny play.


Bruce Allinson was Westmoreland in Antic Disposition’s production of Shakespeare’s Henry V (Temple Church, London & Bath Abbey).

Alexandra Etudor was Kerry in  Love They Fro (Theatre Peckham).

Zara Hadeshian was Goneril in King Lear (Yard Players).

Jonathan Hansler was Stalin in Vodka With Stalin (Upstairs at the Gatehouse).

Abigail Moore was Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland (Wonderment Players).

White Bear Theatre, 138 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4DJ.

Dates: 16th – 27th January.

Times: Tue – Sat 7:30pm.

Admission: £17 Standard; £13 Concs.

90mins with 15min Interval



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