Even when warmer weather arrived in mid-June the wind direction remained north (and also easterly) which is unusual for the summer.
There was little rain fall during June – but drying breezes and sunshine, creating drought conditions.
July often has high temperatures (July 2022 was exceptionally hot) but it can be unsettled, humid and stormy.
In the garden it is the month of summer fruits – strawberries, raspberries and blueberries; and all kinds of flowering ornamental shrubs including the showy Hydrangeas, fragrant Lavenders, perfumed Daphne and exotic Hibiscus (pictured).
The annual Sunflowers often start blooming during July – their golden flower heads turned to follow the sun across the sky.
Once strawberries have finished fruiting the plants put out ‘runners’ which develop plantlets, these usually root themselves into the ground whilst still attached to the ‘Mother’ plant, once rooted the runner can be cut.
Strawberry plants are productive for several years then need replacing. Collect plantlets either pot up or move to a different position in the garden and establish a new strawberry patch; or plant in a window box with good quality growing compost for a fruity alternative to flowers. They do not usually produce much fruit in the first season; the plant puts energy into producing roots and foliage.
Other plant stocks can be increased; Passion Flower (Passiflora) and Wisteria can be easily propagated during July by a method called layering; choose a flexible stem on the outside of the plant, make a small cut at a leaf node (junction where the leaf comes out of the stem) about six to ten inches from the tip of the plant; carefully peg this down onto the ground – making sure this area of soil is lightly raked over and weed free. Rooting usually occurs within a few months.
Prune summer flowering shrubs – such as Jasmine and Philadelphus (Mock orange); remove dead and faded flowers and thin out any weak or damaged shoots. Deadhead roses to ensure continued flowering.

– Picture by Christian Fisher
Houseplants will benefit from a holiday in the garden – or on the balcony from July to September (or October depending on conditions).
It is important to keep them out of direct sun, water frequently in hot weather – and mist the leaves with clean tepid water several times a week