Unsuspecting drivers made to pay £125,000 in fines over four months due to Rotherhithe roadworks, FOI suggests

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Southwark Council has made over £125,000 in just four months due to Rotherhithe roadworks that force unsuspecting motorists into driving infractions, a local resident has claimed. 

Alongside Transport for London (TfL), the council has been conducting roadworks around Rotherhithe as part of Cycleway 4 – a continuous cycle route between Tower Bridge and Greenwich. 

But a Freedom of Information (FOI) request appears to show that roadworks at the junction of Redriff and Lower Road are causing congestion that forces drivers to illegally stop in a yellow box junction. 

Between April and August 2022 – before roadworks began – 77 fines were handed out at the junction, garnering £5,005. 

But between the same period in 2023 – roughly when roadworks have been taking place – drivers through the junction were penalised 1,949 times, equivalent to approximately £126,685 in fines. 

That’s based on each fine being paid within the first two weeks and costing £65. If that deadline is missed, the fine rises to £135 meaning the true figure could be higher. 

Rotherhithe resident Dan Jones, 37, was hit with a fine in June while driving through the junction to take his dogs to a walking spot. 

He said the roadworks meant it was so traffic jammed that moving forward required stopping in the yellow box junction. Otherwise, traffic from Redriff Road would push in ahead.

“I clearly had no choice… so an automatic fine when there’s nothing you can do just feels wrong,” he said. 

Dan says he tried to appeal the fine but Southwark Council upheld its decision. He said it felt like a “computer says no” situation and the council doesn’t “care whether you had an option or not”. 

It’s not the first time local people have claimed that road changes thanks to Cycleway 4 have caused havoc. 

Last year, popular local funeral directors F A Albin and Sons told the News mourners risked being forced through gridlocked traffic because their vehicles were being forced to go one way up Lower Road. 

Councillor James McAsh, Cabinet Member for the Climate Emergency, Clean Air and Streets, said: “Since the temporary traffic lights were installed at the junction, we’ve seen an increase in motorists blocking the box junction. This prevents traffic from flowing smoothly and safely in the area. We understand that the road works may be frustrating to motorists, but it’s vital that restrictions are adhered to at all times.

“While we would rather not have to issue penalties, it is essential for us to enforce these rules to maintain safety. To avoid fines, please make sure to adhere to the restrictions, especially in congested areas.”


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