Have you ever heard a brass band take on Bollywood? No? Now’s your chance. The UK’s pioneering brass band for Indian music is performing its infectiously joyous arrangements at Blackheath Halls – and you’re invited to dance along to a cacophony led by saxophone, dhol drums, a twirly sousaphone and more. To help you get in the mood and teach you a bit about the music, the band is hosting a family drumming workshop in the Hearn Recital Room before the concert. Blackheath Halls, 23 Lee Road, Blackheath, London SE3 9RQ. October 22, family drum workshop at 3pm / concert at 7:30pm. Admission: £8.50 for workshop / £16 – £18 for the concert. www.blackheathhalls.com/whats-on/bollywood-brass-band/
Bollywood brass
