The Uzbekistan Dance of Love

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The London Coliseum is to host the UK premiere of Lazgi – Dance of Soul and Love, featuring the National Ballet of Uzbekistan, for one night only on Saturday September 14.

Lazgi is a timeless tale of love and the eternal dance of the soul, set against the backdrop of Central Asia’s legendary Silk Road. The plot begins millennia ago, during the great era of caravans travelling on the Silk Road. In the scorching desert, under the songs of shamans, Love awakens and begins its eternal dance with the immortal Soul. This fantastic journey from the past to the future is the story of the Soul, embodying centuries-old traditions and folk temperament, and Love, following it through all eras. The story of the people, the memory of ancestors, and the voices of spirits – each act of the ballet strengthens the connection between times, culminating in the inseparable union of Soul and Love.

From ancient traditions to modern innovation, this production seamlessly weaves together elements of light, music, and folk artistry, creating an immersive experience for audiences of all ages.

Crafted by the renowned German choreographer Raoul Raimondo Rebeck, this extraordinary production pays homage to the ancient folk dance Lazgi, recently inscribed by UNESCO as a significant part of humanity’s intangible cultural heritage.

Lazgi is more than just a dance; it’s a captivating journey through time, tracing the rich history of Khorezm dance and its profound symbolism of love and wisdom. 

With its fiery movements and intricate choreography, Lazgi promises to be an unforgettable cultural phenomenon, showcasing the unparalleled talent of the National Ballet of Uzbekistan.

An international team of outstanding artists time worked on the ballet. The music was composed by Davidson Jaconello, with stunning sets and lighting effects created by the world-famous Japanese multimedia artist Yoko Seyama. The libretto author and choreographer is Raimondo Rebeck, a famous German dancer, ballet master of the Dortmund Ballet, and artistic director of the NRW Junior Ballet. From 1987 to 2008, he was the lead soloist of the Berlin State Opera, the German Opera, and the Aalto Ballet Theatre in Essen, and he has received prestigious international awards, including the Prix de Lausanne.

London Coliseum, St Martin’s Lane, London, WC2N 4ES

Saturday 14 September at 7.30pm. Admission: £10 – £85.

Box Office: Tel: 020 7845 9300



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